Character Analysis: Rebecca Bloomwood

Rebecca (Becky) Bloomwood from Confession of a Shopaholic
Rebecca Bloomwood is the protagonist of the story. She lives in London. She has a job of a financial journalist in Investment Savings, despite; she knows almost nothing about person finance. Unlike her job she is a profound shopaholic, other people views her as a irresponsible person while she thinks that she is making investment everyday while shopping.
Rebecca is extremely addicted to shopping. She has no control toward buying everything she likes. Throughout the book Rebecca tries to stop spending since she has been in debt but it turns out to be that she was too addicted to shopping so end up spending even more. There were a few examples that support this. “There is no question. I have to have this scarf. Have to have it. It makes my eyes look bigger; it makes my haircut look more expensive, it makes me look like a different person. I’ll be able to wear it with everything. People will refer to me as the Girl in the Denny and George Scarf.”(Sophie Kinsella 21)
Rebecca seems to be such an irresponsible person toward other people’s view in the story. She often denies her overspending. Rebecca refuses to meet Derek Smeath, her bank manager, and would always have excuses to postpone the bank meeting. She puts a lot of effort on postponing the payments of her debt while it always fail, and barely does anything to stop herself from spending even more. In the book its set perfect example of what Rebecca is doing. “As I finger a lovely white waffle robe, I can hear a little voice at the back of my head, like a radio turned down low. Don’t do it. You’re in debt. Don’t do it. You’re in debt. But quite frankly, what does it matter now? It’s too late to make any difference. I’m already in debt; I might as well be more in debt” (Sophie Kinsella 236)
Rebecca herself never thinks that she is spending way too much on shopping. She considers everything she spends is part of investing. Sometimes she refers to purchasing bags and clothing as if they are for future Christmas and birthday gifts for family and friends. “Then I have to get Suze’s birthday present. I’ve actually already bought her a set of aromatherapy oils – but the other day I saw this gorgeous pink angora cardigan in Benetton, and I know she’d love it. I can always take the aromatherapy oils back or give them to someone for Christmas.” (Sophie Kinsella 91)
In conclusion, Rebecca does too much of shopping meanwhile her debt is piling up until the point where she can no longer afford it. She would have thousands and thousands of excuses for her to spend more on shopping. Although she might be a really irresponsible person she is still an optimistic person who would always buy things for her friends. In the end of the book she has sold all of her trophies from shopping to the pay for the debt and went to a shopping rehab.

25 facts of John Nash and his theories

Source 1
Fact 1: born June 13.1928
Fact 2: camegie tech professor
Fact 3: American mathematician who works in game theory differential geometry and parietal differential calculation
Fact 4: his theory are use in market economics computing evolutionary biology, accounting, politics and etc
Fact 5: he diagnose schizophrenia in 1959
Fact 6: he divorced his wife in 1953, and remarry on 2001
Fact 7: he received Nobel memorial in economics science in 1994: game theory

Source 2: rock paper scissors : game theory in everyday life.
Fact 1: if each person look forward to only his or her benefit of the moment, then benefits no one after a period of time.
Fact 2 prison dilemma was the main idea of the game theory
Fact 3 the prison dilemma: If they both cooperate, the lack of testimony from the two prisoners weakens the case. There is still enough circumstantial evidence, however, to keep them in prison for two years each (payoff of 3 years off from the base sentence of five). (reward)
Fact 4 If they both defect, the testimony that each provides against the other is quite damning. But their slightly conflicting stories allow the judge to imprison them for only four years each (payoff of 3 year off from the base sentence of five). (punishment)
Fact 5 of prison dilemma: If one player defects and the other cooperates then there is no case against the defector, but a very strong one against the cooperator. The defector gets immunity and receives no prison sentence (payoff of 5 years off from the base sentence of five), while the judge throws the book at the cooperator who gets the full five year sentence (payoff of 0 years off from the base sentence of five). (sucker’s payoff)

Source 3:
Fact 1: mechanism design theory, general equilibrium theory, decision theory
Fact 2: decision theory : a single player against nature focusses on preferences and personal belief, the more risky alternative can give the maximum expected value
Fact 3: mechanism design theory: its deal with trait and production between large number of individual consumer producing
Fact 4: general equilibrium theory: its mainly use in macroeconomics on the politics or tax policies in finance is use to analyse stock market
Fact 5: it’s about consequences of different types of rule : this theory is design for wage of agreement

Source 4: His lecture about his theory
Fact 1: Prision Delimna
Fact 2: Nash Equairublium
Fact 3: Evolutionary Stability
Fact 4: The Streetcar Theory
Fact 5: The mass action interpreation
Source 5: Story about his life and what he did that make him successful and received the noble prize
Fact 1: He was a mathematicians and an economist
Fact 2: Some people thought he was dead because he didn’t published a scientific paper since 1958.
Fact 3: Nash mostly spend time alone, some people found him a loner.
Fact 4: In the fall of 1945, Nash enrolled at Carnegi-Mellon
Fact 5: His schizophrenia was different, it added dimensions of his early genius.

Why are Extracurricular activities Important ?

Extracurricular activities are important. It helps teenagers becoming a better person in many possible ways. It gives students more self confidence. Teenagers could have better time management. Extracurricular activities help teenagers develop a team spirit. Therefore taking extracurricular activities are important.

When a student participates in a social activity, they become more self confident. Self confident is an important and valuable skill in life. Learning to become self confident in a fun and joyful environment is much easier. I used to be afraid of speaking in public. After I took debate as an extracurricular activity, I was gradually able to speak in front of a large group of people with a clear voice. Students who have extracurricular activities has greater self confidence, therefore it’s important to have it.

Teamwork is important in school as well as in work. Playing team sports depends on students to cooperate to reach a common goal. Most importantly remove the focus for one’s self. Teamwork will be a valuable skill as teenagers grew older. Therefore team spirit will make us a better person. Extracurricular activities were the best ways to encourage team spirit, so it has to be important.

Most teenagers do not realize the importance of time. The truth is time is limited and being able to manage time usefully is an important concept. Participating in one or more extracurricular activities can help us learn to manage priority and planning. Students will advance in organization. People told how to become more productive. One of the ways is to be more organized on planning and manage time. And extracurricular activities may help student on their organization, which is why it is so important

Extracurricular activities are very important to teenagers in part of their growing. It has positive affects to teenagers. It teaches important like skills, preparing students to be responsible, and most importantly teenagers enjoy it. Everyone should be encouraged to take extracurricular activities since it is this important.

athletics should be taught in school :D

Athletics should be taught in school. Being athletic is very important as a student because it improves teamwork. It also gives students a healthier life. Lastly, it helps students gain more concentration in other classes. Therefore athletics should be taught in school.

Students who play sport tend to be more comfortable on doing teamwork. It’s important for every student to practice athletics because it helps to improve student’s ability to be able to work in a team. A friend of mine who took part in the basketball team said that he became more comfortable doing teamwork after he joined basketball team. Teaching athletics to student should be required in school since it benefits them.

Athletics provides student to own a healthy body. Being healthy is the most basic building blocks of life. Without a healthy body, everything else would become totally pointless. I have a friend called Visith, who had a hard time dealing with asthma. He couldn’t pay attention to anything since his body was too sick but after he started to play sports he has been gradually recovering. Therefore athletics should be in taught in school since it gives student a healthier body.

Students have higher concentration after playing sports. Being able to run around the court requires lots of perseverance and concentration. A person that lacks perseverance and concentration would not be successful. Practicing sport is one of the best ways to practice concentration skills. Once a student is able to manage their concentration while running, it could also be applied to other courses. Therefore athletics should always be taught in school.

Athletics provide students many benefits and advantages. So of course it should be taught in school. There are countless people who gain lots experiences from playing sports. Doing athletics at school isn’t harmful to anyone. Instead it is always nice way to give our body a little exercise.